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in this division, made manifest whenever the slightest opportunity presents is very much to be regretted. Woodstock, Edinburgh and New Market are noted for the hostility on the part of their Citizens towards men from the North, Officers of the Government, & to men of known Republican principles. Bt. Lieut. Col. W.F. Lynch 44th U.S. Infy recently on duty in the Bureau was insulted on the Streets of Woodstock by parties calling after him "Get a Rope" Hang him &c. and more recently the officer of Internal Revenue stationed at Edinburgh had a flag pole cut down in front of his house and the halliards cut into fragments. 

Such practices have the effect to intimidate colored persons. Selina Jackson, a freed girl, having been repeatedly assaulted for giving evidence against a party of men accused of cutting down and burning a flag pole in front of the Bureau office at Woodstock, and being unable to obtain advise or protection, was compelled to leave the County, to escape further violence. Since the arrival of Mr James, Agent of the Bureau at Woodstock, no

Transcription Notes:
halliards = halyards - lines used to hoist a flag