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employment elsewhere, but while looking for something to do here I have expended what little means I had, and must remain here. From some questions which you asked me when in Richmond I am certain that some person, for base or selfish motives, has misinformed you in regard to my past connection with the rebel army. Who ever he may be I know not, but feel sure that sooner or later he will be placed in similar circumstances and receive the reward he so justly merits for endeavoring to take the bread from the mouths of my wife and child. The few Union men who would give me employment have it not to give, while those who sympathize with the rebellion will not give it to me for reasons already stated. I have stated my but partially, and I feel confident that if you knew thoroughly the condition and circumstances in which I am placed on account of my adhesion to the Government you would not hesitate to give me employment. General once again I appeal to you for aid. This will be my last as I do not wish to trouble you so much. Give me employment of some kind and the many obligations under which I now remain for past favors will be increased tenfold and my chief endeavor shall be to give satisfaction and do my duty. Hoping this request will meet with your favorable consideration I have the honor to be
Very Respectfully &c., &c.
W. B. Nicholas.

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-12-20 11:31:58 ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-12-20 12:53:40