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accompanying this communication. My action as agent was not alone confined to the Freedmen. But I was almost daily consulted by the white citizens of the County as an agent of the Bureau in reference to the making of contracts and for information in regard to the orders of the Bureau- and I always endeavored to ast in such manner and give such advice to both Freedmen and whites, as to secure justice to both parties- remove llop prepidices- creating a feeling of harmony between employer and employee- and to the management of industry- mutually beneficial to both. I beg to refer you to the letter of both D.J. Connolly of March 11th 1867 in connection with this subject which you will please read and return, unless you deem it proper to forward with this communication. ([[?]] D)-
I also acted as attorney for the Commonwealth of this County, for which, I draw a small yearly salary, not Sufficient to Support my family- the duties of this office did not interfere in any way with my duties as agent- except generally upon one day in each month, when I attended Civil Courts of the County to transact Commonwealth business. That business having by the Laws precedence over all other business in the Civil Courts, was usually transacted upon the first day of each term of the Court, which was held only once a month- the ballance of my time was denoted entirely to Bureau Business. I received through both D.J. Connolly Asst. Supt. Sometime in the latter part of 1866 the sum of Eighteen dollars in part pay for services as agent 

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of the Bureau for this County Capt Connolly informed me at the time, that upon an equal distribution of the fees and cost collected by the Bureau, among the civilian agents, that, that sum, was all the Bureau could pay me at that time. There being no other funds on hand at that time, which the Bureau could apply to the payment of its agents. Capt Connolly rented a room of me which he used whenever he atteneded the County, for which he paid me thirty dollars. But this has no connection with my claim for services as agent- The office used by me for the Bureau, was in [[?]] building, for which no charge is made.

This I believe is a correct statement of the material facts in reference to my claim as agent as for as I at this time remember which is respectfully submitted.

I am sir very respectfully your obedient Servant,