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4th The Civil Authorities have acted in the best faith in regard to the care of their Paupers, and have exhibited a most commendable energy in receiving the destitutes from the "Old Folks Home" on the Wise Farm, giving accommodations to those properly chargeable to the County and forwarding the others to the counties to which they respectively belong

5th In respect to labor, the supply and demand, are about equal, although unfortunately considerable distrust exists on the part of the Freedmen relative to entering into contracts.

6th There are no colored schools at present in this division. The Am Miss Association having found it impracticable to reopen those formerly on the Wise Farm. Schools are needed on the Wise Farm or at Kempsville two miles distant in the [ORange? Pmigo?] District and at London Bridge. At the Court House a School House has been erected and also one at Pleasant Valley both of which are without teachers 

No Temperance Societies have been formed although the Colored people continue as heretofore remarkably temperate  

The Election passed off in the most quiet and orderly manner
Wise Farm
It is most respectfully suggested that the "Wise Farm might be rented out by the Bureau to private parties and this be made a [[?]] of a considerable 

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