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State of Virginia}
City of Norfolk } Ss
On this 10th of February 1868, before me a Notary Public, for the city of Norfolk aforesaid in the State of Virginia, personally appeared Randolph Driver - late a Sergeant in Co I. 2d Regt U.S.C. Cavy - now residing in Norfolk aforesaid, who made affidavit, that on or about August and September 1864, the Second U.S.C. Cavy - (having lost heavily by Service,) was recruiting at Newport News, and that an exchange of about 20 to 25 was made between the said Cav'y Regt and the 2d Lght Arty (Cold) and that though he can not swear positively that Andrew Wilkes was among that number, he believes, from certain circumstances, that he was - to wit - Wilkes remembers to have met with certain members of Co. I 2d U.S.C. Ca'y to which Co said Driver was then attached as 1st Sgt - & he knowse that these men were at Newport News at that time attending to new recruits.

Randolph Driver
Witness C.L. Upshur

Sworn to and subscribed before me the day above written, & I certify that the Deponent is a respectable man, and worthy of belief

Jno: B. Upshur
Notary Public

Transcription Notes:
Unclear: City of Norfolk } [[?]] Witness C.L. [[Upshaw]] Jno: B. [[Nashun]]