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Bureau R. F and A. Lands
Office Asst. Sub. Asst. Comr.
3d Div, 1st Sub. Dist of Va
Suffolk Va March 25th 1868

Bvt. Capt. Will. A. Coulter
Actg. Asst. Adjt. Genl.
Bureau. R. F and A. Lands
Dist of Va Richmond Va


I have the honor to report in Compliance with Circular No 1. dated Bureau. R. F and A.L. Head Qrs, Asst. Comr. Dist of Va Richmond Va February 26th 1868.

That I have fixed upon the first Monday in each Month (Court day) at Isle of Wight Court house for attending to Freedmens affairs in Isle of Wight County, and the second Monday in each Month (Court day) at Suffolk Nansemond County, which has been approved by Major Jno. H. Remington, Sub. Asst. Comr, 1st Sub. Dist Virginia, the Freedmen of this