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the protection of the Government and the feeling of alarm caused by the agitation of the subject has perceptibly died away.

[[left margin]] Feeling of the Secession Element toward the Freedmen [[/left margin]]
The feeling of the more violent of the secessionists against the Freedmen has evidently increased in intensity, owing to the all absorbing political excitement of the times caused by the political elevation of the Freedmen.

[[left margin]] Abandoned Property [[/left margin]]
The amount of abandoned property has been further reduced by the restoration of two pieces of town property, leaving the returns only one piece of Town Property and one farm (the Wise Farm) and Craney Island.

[[left margin]] Expenses of the Bureau [[/left margin]]
The expenses of the Bureau as anticipated in my last quarterly report have been considerably increased by the Employment of two Civilian Agents in place of Officers mustered out, by the issue of quite a large amount of Clothing to destitutes, and the issue of rations in Norfolk City.

[[left margin]] Education [[/left margin]]
The condition of the Schools in this Sub District has never been better.  Several private pay Schools have been opened in addition to those supported by the various benevolent Associations.  The poverty of the Freedmen however renders it almost hopeless to rely to any considerable extent upon their private efforts in support of Schools

Transcription Notes:
Craney is an island in Portsmouth, Va. ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-12-20 22:10:11