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5th. The supply of Labor in the two Cities is considerably in excess of the demand while in the County the reverse is the case.
6th. The Schools both those Supported by the various Benevolent Societies and the Private Pay Schools, of which there are now seven in Session, were never in a more prosperous condition.
More schools are much needed at the following points in this Division.  2 in Norfolk, 3 in Portsmouth, 1 at Gettys Station 1 at Providence Church, 1 at Great Bridge, 1 at Churchland, 1 at Farmers Ck Crop Roads.

[[left margin]] Temperance [[/left margin]]
The Temperance Society mentioned in my last quarterly report is Still in a flourishing condition and doing much good among the young Freedmen.

[[left margin]] National Building and Lease Association [[/left margin]]
During the past quarter a Building and Lease Association has been organized under the act of Assembly of March 29/52 and Subsequent Easements to the Stock of which many of the Freedmen have Subscribed, and the benefits of which it is believed will be very great. The ultimate Capital is $200,000. to be paid in at the rate of $1.00 per Share per Month, and it is estimated that the Stock will mature in eight years.  One of the prime movers in this Enterprise is Mr. H. C. Percy. The Enterprising Cashier of the Freemen's Bank in Norfolk

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---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-12-20 22:23:10