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Record of Proceedings before Military Commissioner, Lieut R.G. Rutherford 45th U.S. Inf. 
at Burkeville, Virginia, during the month of July 1868. 

[[8 columned table]]
| Date of Trial | Number of case | Complainant | Defendant | Character of Action or Complaint | Synopsis of Evidence | Decision or Action of Commissioner | Remarks. |  
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | 
| 1868 July 17 | 1 | United States | Robert Moore Robert A. Moore H. Wickham Tisdale Wm H. Tisdale Van Ingram (cold) Ned Davis (cold) | Rioting at Lunenburg Court House, on the 13th day of July 1868 | Evidence showed that Robert Moore, Robt. A. Moore, H. Wickham Tisdale, Wm H. Tisdale and Van Ingram (cold) were engaged in the riot which resulted in the wounding of Lewis Epes (cold) and Jos Hewbank (Colored) | That The accused Robert Moore, Robt A. Moore, H. Wickham Tisdale, Wm H. Tisdale and Van Ingram (cold) give bonds in $200 each to appear, whenever Ordered, before such Military Tribunal as the Comd'g Gen'l First Mil. District may direct, to answer the charge and that Ned Davis, not being implicated by the Evidence, be discharged. | The Examination commenced July 17th, was continued, on Account of the non-attendance of witnesses, to July 23d and occupied that and the two following days, a large number of witness being Examined | 

I certify that the above is a correct transcript of all cases tried by me, in which freedmen were interested, during the month of July 1868 

R.G. Rutherford
Lieutenant 45th U.S. Infantry 
Mil. Commissioner 8th Div. Va