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Bureau of R.F. & A.L. 
Richmond, Va. Nov. 16th 1868. 

Respectfully forwarded to Maj. General O.O. Howard, Com'r., for instructions - There are, at present, Barracks upon Craney Island, that were erected by the Confederate Government. I have no knowledge in regard to the ownership of Craney Island, except, general report ascribes it to the United States. 

O. Brown 
Asst. Commissioner

E & M 2d. Vol. 353/68

F.B. 87 EB 18 Nov. 21st 1868 
War Department
Bureau R.F and A.L
Washington, Nov 18th 1868

Respectfully forwarded to the Hon. Secretary of War for information regarding the title of the United States to this Island and what disposition should be made of it. 

O.O. Howard
Major General Commr

Freed. Bureau 
Eng. Off. 
report recd Dec 1/68

H.Q. Corps of Engineers, 
December 1, 1868

Respectfully returned to the War Department. 
A valid title to Craney Island is vested in the U.S. by deed of George D. Wise and others executed May 5, 1817. The deed is on file in this office and is recorded in War Dept. Deed Book No. 2 pages 122 to 127. 

Freed. Bureau (over) 

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