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S 193 RF&AL Va 2d Vol 1868
C 53 RF&c 2nd SD Va 1868
Bureau RF and AL
Head Quarters ASA Com
Amelia C.H. Va July 24th 1868
Clinton, J.B.
ASA Commr.
Applies for leave of absence for thirty (30) days to visit Norwich, N.Y. States that he has been in the Bureau for 2 years & 3 months and has but ten days leave of absence.

Personal letter addressed to Mr Clinton, July 27th/68
Rec'd 2nd SD Va July 25/68

Bureau RF and AL
Head Quarters 2nd Sub Dist Va
Petersburg, Va. July 25th 1868
Respectfully forwarded to Bvt Capt Will A Coulter, AAA Genl
No reason is known at this office why this officer cannot be absent as long as he wishes.
JR Stone
Sub Asst Comm
EB p 389 Vol 3 1868
