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Some of the witnesses also testify that Robert A. Moore threatened to Shoot the Colored man and that he presented the pistol at him and snapped it. At this Stage of the row the Colored men engaged appear to have made their way out of the crowd immediately Surrounding them and Lewis Epes (col'd) while running up in front of the Court House was struck by H. Wickham Tisdale with a Stick over the forehead and was shortly after stabbed in the back by Wm H. Tisdale, who was running after him, and who also stabbed Jo. Hewbank (col'd) in the back of the head as he passed him. About this time the row became general and sticks and stones were freely used. It is in Evidence that Van Ingram (col'd) called the colored men to come over into the Street, this the testimony is conflicting as to the purpose for which he called them there whether to fight the white men or to get out of their way: The colored men went over into the Street when called, were followed by the white men and it was there that the general fight took place, in which Van Ingram (col'd) took part; he and H. Wickham Tisdale engaged each other, the Evidence, however, is conflicting as to which of them struck the first blow. Van Ingram was led away from the fray while still fighting with Mr. Tisdale and was shortly after arrested and carried before a Magistrate who bound him to the peace; this seems to have been the end of the row, which must have lasted some 15 minutes Ned Davis (col'd) was accused of having fired a gun thus creating an excitement tending to a renewal of the row, it was proven, however, that the gun was accidentally discharged late in the afternoon after the row was all over, and that it produced no evil Consequences, he was therefore discharged; the other parties, Robert Moore, Rob't. A. Moore, H. Wickham, Tisdale, Wm H. Tisdale and Van Ingram (col'd), who were the only persons proven to have been engaged in the row, were held to bail for their appearance to answer the charge of rioting before Such Military Tribunal as the Comd'g General may direct, whenever ordered.
I am, Major,
Very Respectfully Your Obdt Svt
R.G. Rutherford
Lieut 45th Inf. A.S.A. Comm'r

Transcription Notes:
Judging from the way "p" is written throughout, I transcribed the last name as "Epes" rather than "Esses" ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-12-22 10:35:26 ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-12-22 11:27:27