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Bureau Refugees, Freedman & A. Lands,
Head Qr's A.S.A. Comm'r 4th Div 2nd S.D.,
Burkeville, Va, Aug, 4th, 1868

Bvt. Capt. W.A. Coulter
A.A.A.G. H'd Qr's Ass't Comm'r Dist of Va,
Richmond, Va. 
([[?]] Head Qr's 2nd Sub District)
I have the honor to request authority to reestablish the office at Lunenburg Court House in order that H.K.W. Ayres, Agent Bu.R.F and A.L. who has today reported for duty in accordance with Par. 4.S.O.No84, Current Series, H'd Qr's Ass't Comm's Dist of Virginia may be assigned there, where the presence of an officer is very much needed.
I am Captain,
Very respectfully 
Your obed't Serv't 
R. G. Rutherford
Lieut. 45th U.S. Infantry,
A.S.A Comm'r