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the counsel for the defense earnestly objected & produced written law showing wherein such was not admissible, yet for his zeal[[?]] in differing with the Court in this matter he (the counsel) was fined twenty dollars & threatened with jail by the Court, for contempt of Court. He held his panel however for he was right & had law to sustain him and the presiding Justice withdrew the fine and "took water" On several occasions however during the trial was the counsel for the defence overruled & irrelevant testimony admitted. The summary of the evidence for the prosecution was this: that a march of Freedmen, women & children took place July 5th and was accompanied by Dr. Lewis which occurred at his place, and that he (Dr. Lewis) had a personal spite against two or three white men in the neighborhood for real or supposed threats made by them against him. Joseph Carpenter one of the witnesses for the prosecution was during the war convicted of larceny & only saved jail by going into the rebel army as an alternative. Jon B Drummond was only the day before Lewis' trial commenced, tried [[strike-out]]&[[strike-out]] but acquitted for horse-stealing, yet he has the reputation of being a horse-thief. and unbiased persons who know him generally believe him guilty of the crime of which he was charged. E.A. Tillman is