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Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands, 
Head Quarters 2nd Sub-District, Virginia. 
Petersburg, Va., November 25th 1868.
Brevet Capt. Will A Coulter 

Head Quarters Asst Comm Dist of Va. 
Richmond Va. 

I have the honor to request authority to rent a building from James Ford. situated in Prince George Co ten miles from this city near the Weldon Rail Road to be used as a Freedmen's School house at a monthly rental of $10.00. 

Said building is 18 by 20 feet in size is in good condition and is heated by a stove. A school has been organised and is now in operation in the same. 

Very respectfully 
Your Obt Servant 
J R Stone 
Sub. Asst. Com.