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S.318. R.F.&A.L. Va. 2d Vol. 1868
M.73 RF&c 2nd SD Va 1868. 
Bureau R.F. and A.L. 
Head Quarters A.S.A. Com. 
Waverly Station, Va. Nov. 23d 68

McLaughlin, P.H. 
A.S.A. Commissioner. 

Reports relative to an outrage upon Mr James Taylor, of Bacon's Castle, Surry Co. Va. and the burning of his buildings. States that Mr Taylor has left the State, and it is reported that he is dead. Recommends that the case be acted on by the Military Authorities, as a magistrate (name not ascertained) was appealed to by Mr Taylor, but refused to act in the premises. 

[[stamp]] STATE OF VIRGINIA. BUREAU OF R. F. & A. L. *** RECD. HD. QRS. ASST. COMMISSIONER. DEC 11 1868 [[/stamp]]

Rec'd 2nd S.D. Va. Dec. 3rd 1868. 

Bureau R.F. and, A.L. 
Head Quarters 2nd S. Dist. Va. 
Petersburg, Va. Dec. 4th 1868.
Respectfully forwarded to Brevet Captain Will A. Coulter, A.A.A.General, Head Quarters Assistant Commissioner, Dist. of Va. 
I have once returned this report for additional information, as to the whereabouts of Mr Taylor, and name of the magistrate referred to. As neither can be learned, I do not see that there is at present any evidence to warrant action by the military. If some inquiry can be made at Richmond, with reference to the death of anyone on the Steam Ships from Norfolk to New York, perhaps some clue may be obtained of the fate or location of Mr Taylor. 
JR Stone
Sub Asst Comr.

Vol 4. 1868.