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church owned and used by the whites was destroyed in the same manner
Ten days after this, an old church, not often used by either class was likewise burned by an incendiary
On the last of October, Mr James Taylor, a white man was assaulted in his own house which was entered by force, and he made to pledge himself to leave the county at once, he being threatened with death if he remained. Four days later he left, according to agreement, and soon after, his house was burned to the ground.

Taylor seems to have been one of those indiscreet Zealots who have vague or perverted ideas of the way to effect good  He came to Surry about two years since, and has within that period made himself very obnoxious to the whites, by his habits and bearing  He purchased a small house of a colored woman, said house being situated near her own residence  In this he lived and affiliated entirely with the colored people, avoiding the whites and causing them to distrust him from the first  The colored schoolhouse in which