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have been freely indulged in for some time past

Threats of personal violence have been made by private individuals & civil officers.  The tone of the public press & of their public speakers is most threatening & inflamatory.  The houses of respectable Freedmen are stoned & in other ways disturbed at night on account of their political opinions

I am not a man easily frightened neither do I become nervous or excited without cause but I am free to confess that I regard my present position as one of extreme danger & I firmly believe that the safety & peace of this community imperatively demand the protection & presence of a sufficient Military force to hold in check the bad passions of the evil disposed & the lawless & to meet any emergency that may arise growing out of the excited state of the Public mind & the peculiar circumstances which belong to the present condition of things in this section of the State

I would therefore most respectfully call the attention of the Assist Commissioner to this subject & earnestly request him to use his