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of twenty five dollars and costs, amounting in all to thirty dollars ($30.00) and be imprisoned in the County Jail for the term of fifteen days. While in Jail undergoing this sentence, our Counsel, Wm. B. Taleifero, came to my brother John and myself, and proposed to us, that we, in order to secure him in his fee of ($75.00) seventy five dollars, for services as Counsel in this latter and former trial, make over to him the said Taleifero by Deed in Trust a portion of (our) property belonging to my brother John and myself consisting of two horses, one canoe, and part of another canoe owned [[strikeout]]in po[[/strikeout]] in company by my brother John and one other person. This wish the said Taleifero did agree to, and did perform, because of the said Taleifero consenting to the use of the said [[strikeout]]the[[/strikeout]] property whenever we, my brother and myself needed its use for the benefit of ourselves and families; At the expiration of [[strikeout]]of[[/strikeout]] the sentence of my brother John, he returned home and almost immediately after his return Depty Sheriff Liniaus Miller appeared to execute an attachment upon my and my brothers property, to the amount of fines imposed, and costs incurred, but in consequence of the greater portion of our property having been conveyed as before stated to the said Wm. B. Taleifero the same Depty. Sheriff failed to execute the said writ.

While I the said Baylor Thornton was undergoing this sentence of the said Quarterly Court the rent on the land which I had leased from the said John H. Tabb became due, and while thus confined and unable to obtain the money to pay this rent the said Tabb applied for and obtained another writ of attachment, which said writ was executed by Depty Sheriff, Said Stubbs, who in making the distraint, took the property of my brother John and that of one, Thomas Jefferson, (Colored) neither of whom were in any manner responsible for the rent.  The property thus liened upon consisted of two large shoats and two pair of Oyster tongs, valued in all, at twenty five dollars. This property was sold at Public Auction on the first Monday in September 1868, being twenty four days after the seizure of the said property by authority of 

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