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to the enemy who would otherwise remain and vote with the Union men because they cant stand the pressure of being made to show their hands so far in advance.  These Union feel that two things alone can help them now.  1st Quiet encouragement & the circulation of Union Documents and Papers and 2nd the removal as fast as it can be accomplished of Magistrates and Civil Officers who will not give them Justice.  Furthermore that troops sent to a place unless they are to remain there permanently do them more hurt than good as when they
go it is a signal for the commencing of all sorts of outrages great and small.  I have therefore instructed Mr. McDougall in accordance with a Circular from your Office dated April 25/68 that he would do well to refrain from the present from further stumping of his Division.  Most of the Union men in this section are ignorant and unable to fortify their minds against assertions & statements of Disunionists.  They need information.  Any documents sent me calculated to inform them I shall see distributed at once and, to the right parties, 

I am Captain
Very Respectfully Your Obd Servant
H.G. Thomas
Bvt. Brig Genl. Capt 20th Infty
A. S. A. C.

Transcription Notes:
H.G. Thomas