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Would not let us have lan to bild on on no considerration and then we got a house from 2 old Laday and thay have tryd to brake it up and thay got the victory over Mr Mc dougall and he is a great man with them this house we have bin teaching in us a house we got from a old lada But we cant kepe it long and it is reasneebul that we cant get it But thires a old [[strikethrough]] jay [[/strikethrough]] jail house heare and thir is nobudda in it and thirs is five Rooms in it and thir is rooms in it and nothing in them, and the rebels have got it rented for a wood house in order to kepe us out of a Chool now, and as sune as Mr Mcdugall fown [[strikethrough]] te [[/strikethrough]] the rebels was a pous to it he broke it up So all So ef you send a burow hear sand us one that will not take sides with the rebels and the rebels are throwing it up to the colerd Pepal saying [[strikethrough]] te [[strikethrough]] the radagall are not our frends and saying we had beter com over on thir side Saying the goverment ont du any thing for us for it is reported that Mr. Mc dougall Sade to the rebels that the guvament would not du a thing and he ont com to hear thir tryels he jus leves it to the rebel cort and a colerd man or a radegal man cant get justes in a rebel cort and wen the rebels was speaking so against the constetution he agreed with them that thire was thing in the constetution that he did not not like and that give them growns. i cannot say that for ef the tree is holy the frout is holy and if the tree is corrupt the [[strikethrough]]  fo  [[/strikethrough]] frout is corrut also thay say that Mr. Mcdugal is the rite kind of man ser So you no any man [[strikethrough]] that [[/strikethrough]] that the rebels says as right is not the man for colerd pepol or a radegal man.