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L R.3.V. A S A C Yorktown Va Fo 301
V.43.R.F.&A.L.Va. 2d Vol. 1868
York County Court Clerks Office.
Yorktown Va Dec 4th 1868.

Van Boskerck. Lem.
Clerk of Court.

States that he understands it is designed to sell at Public Auction on the 8th Dec/68 the wooden tenement formerly used as Mil. Barracks. at Yorktown. Va which building was turned over to the County Court of York County. Va for use as a Court House by order of the Com'd'g Genl 1st Mil Disct. Va. on the 17th June/68 Respectfully asks,-,as he was instructed by the Court at the June term, to take possession of said building,- that the sale be postponed until after the next term of the Court (Dec 21'/68) to enable him to lay the matter before the Court for their action. Endoses copy of Order. -

One (1) Enclosure. 

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---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-12-28 15:51:35