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Keating, Wm  112.
Kenedy, Miss Mary  168.
Kennedy, Rev. Crammond  154.
Kennington, Jas, Bvt. Capt  134.179.
Ketchum, Bvt Lieut. Col.112.
Kidd, Henrietta  161
Kimball, F.M. Lieut. & A.S,
King  59
King, Esther. E. teacher  167
King, Nelson  2/215.
King, Frank (dec'd)  215.
Kingle, Wm alias Geo. W. Thompson  203.
Kinsley, Mary. B., teacher  166.
Knapp, Misses Emma & Eunice, teachers  168.

Transcription Notes:
---------- xReopened for Editing 2023-12-15 22:09:13