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Lacey, K.S. Supt. 4. 9. 13. 17. 22. 2/33. 38. 40. 43. 69. 71. 72. 83. 86. 92. 96. 99. 107. 112. 115. 120. 127. 135. 138. 145. 146. 148. 156. 168. 179. 183. 188. 194. 206. 231. 235. 237. 245. 256. 266. 271.
Lacey, Mat. 28.
Lacey, James 77.
Lake, Ms. M.A., teacher 167.
Lawrence, Geo. 59.
Leavitt, E. A. teacher 166.
Lee, Baker, P. 6.
Lee, Mrs. 41.
Lee, S.P. Captain & Supt. 75. 85. 2/89. 98. 105. 106. 119. 125. 130. 2/131. 135. 141. 143. 145. 149. 165. 166. 169. 170. 179. 180. 192. 193. 206. 214. 218. 219. 233. 241. 286. 287.
Lee, Miss Maria, teacher 166.
Lee, Ersham 228.
Lessing, Ferd. A. A. Surg. 181. 182. 272.
Levy, O, lawyer 213.
Lewis, John. O. 56.
Lewis, H. J. 252. 275.
Lewis, Wm Revd 270.
Libley, P. P. teacher 166.
“Lincoln, United Sons & Daughters of” 270.
Locker, David 111.
Logan, Rev’d S. G. 153.
“Long Branch” Steamer 115.
Long, Miss Martha, K. 176.
Longfield, Becky 257. 258.
Loving, George 50. 51. 58.
Lowenthal, J & Co. 93.
Lloyd, Miss Sallie. E. 179.
Lynch, Thos. cold. 112.
Lynn, Wm. A. & Bro. 90.
Lyons, Esqr. James 1.
Lyons, Wm. H. Judge. 66.
Lyons, Peter, Dr. 195.
Lyons, Geo. W. 277.

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Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-12-18 22:42:52