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Mabray, Clara 279.
Mackey, John 129.
Mahon, S. K. Lieut. 259.
Mahoney, A. Lieut & A. S. A. C. 246.
Major, Mary 247. 248.
Major, Wm 248.
Mallory, Garrick, Capt. & Inspt. 18. 65. 2/159. 178. 180. 184. 236.
Mallory, James 57. 75.
Mallory, Joseph (dec’d). 3/205.
Mapp, Richard 220.
Manly, R. M. chapl Supt. of Schools  46. 108. 121. 189. 194. 227.
Martin, Robert 98.
Marx, D. C. F. 278. 281.
Massey, F. J. Lieut & A. S. 10. 48. 135. 159. 161. 172. 185. 187. 212. 226. 284. 285. 285. 
Massenburg, John  97.
Massenburg, Polly 97. 142.
Massenburg, Squire 97.
Matterson, Ms. teacher 166.
Mattison, Chas  177.
Mattison, Mrs. M. Y. 177.
McBride, M. E. 178.
McClane, Wm H. 119. 134.
McDonald, Reily 183.
McDonnell, J. A. Capt. & Supt. 15. 23. 24. 33. 66.70. 81. 87. 91. 92. 2/122. 124. 139. 156. 158. 166. 176. 183. 206. 232. 240. 253. 286.
McDougall, Chas, 1 Lieut. & A. S. A. C. 286.
McIlvain & Pinell, Messrs. 49. 42.
McNulty, Capt. W. A. 212. 216. 2/220. 285.
Medley, Wm. (cold) 129.
Messick, Mr. 26.
Mims, Mrs Williamson 269. 282.
Minge, Oliver (cold.) 213.
Mississippi, Asst. Comr. of 75.
Mitchell, Moses 109.
Mitchel, Sarah 257.
Moore, James 111.
Moore, Judge 149.
Moore, Bvt. Lt Col., C. Q. M. &c. 226.
Morey, F. A. Agt. Bur. &c. 84. 209. 253. 
Morgan, Wm. G. 164.
Mornen, Henry 73.
Morris, Oscar (cold.) 24.

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Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-12-18 22:33:43