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No. 60383. issued on requisition of Genl. Howard's dated March 9th 1867.
No. 60729 issued on requisition No. 584 dated May 15th 1866.
No. 60799 issued on requisition No. 634 dated Jan 7th 1866.
No. 90053 issued on requisition No. 467. dated March 28th 1866.
No. 90054 issued on requisition No. 468 dated March 28th 1866.
(5 Enclosures)

I am General
Very Respectfully
Your Obedt. Servt.
(Sgd.) O. Brown.
Bvt: Brig: Genl Vols.
A.A.A. Genl

Garrick Mallery
A.A.A Genl

142. Telegram.
March 6th 1867.

Armstrong General S.C.
Supt. &c. Fort Monroe Va.

General Sewall wished your personal attention to be given to Yorktown affairs.

Will not the Leave you ask for prevent your doing this?

(Sgd.) O Brown.
A.A.A. Genl

Garrick Mallery
A.A.A. Genl

March 8th 1867

Chur Bvt. Lt. Col. Jacob F. 
A.A.A. Genl. Raleigh, N. Ca.

In reply to your communication of the 5th inst. I have the honor to state that it has not been considered at these Head Quarters that the "Circular Letter of February 12th" will change the organization of the Bureau in this State — beyond a change of names.

The present Districts will be called Sub districts. and the present Sub districts may be called Divisions, Sections or by any other name — The Supts. of Districts will become Sub Asst. Commissioners, and Asst. Supts. be called agents.

I am Colonel
Yours Respectfully
(Sgd.) O. Brown.
Bvt: Brig: Genl. Vols.
A.A.A. Genl.

Garrick Mallery
A.A.A. Genl

144. Confidential
March 8th 1867.

Chandler Captain G.R.
Asst. Supt. Frederick and Clark's Counties



You will please report to me immediately the names of six or more white citizens residents of each County in your Sub-district who are men of the first respectability and who have the confidence of both the whites and the freedmen. Such men as both races would select the magistracy or any office of trust and responsibility. Select those who are not disfranchised by the laws of Congress, and if such men can be found other things being equal, prefer those who have been loyal during the war or at least conservative respecting secession. Give the political antecedents of each one named as far as possible. Also, please report the names of six of the most intelligent of the freedmen belonging to Each county, in whom both races have confidence and who have the most influence over their own people--also give the P.O. address of each person named. 

Yours Respectfully 
(Sgd.) O. Brown
Bvt. Brig. Genl
A.A.A. Genl

Official Garrick Mallery
A.A.A. Genl

Copy sent to each Asst. Supt.

Copies sent also to
Captain S. W. Carpenter
Captain W.L. Tidball
Captain E.H. Ripley
Lieutenant A. F. Higgs
Captain John. O. O'Neil
Captain J. W. Sharp
Captain J. F. Wilcox
Lieutenant C. F. Schaeffer
Lieutenant J. T. H. Hall
Lieutenant L. W. Stevenson
Colonel G.B. Carse
Captain N. M. Brooks
Captain J. W. Jordan
Lieut. W. F. De Knight
Lieut. E. W. Busby
F. S. Tukey
Lieutenant A. G. Deacon
Frank K. Smith
Lieutenant W. L. Hunt
Lieutenant B. F. Shaum
Lieutenant J. F. Wilson
Lieutenant S.B. Smith
Lieutenant M. S. Hopkins
Lieutenant W. G. Roberts

Lieut. W.S. Chase
Capt. G.P. Sherwood
F.A. Morey
Lieut. M.S. Reed
Lieut. E.A. Chandler
Lieut. E. Murphy
Lieut. J.A. Yeckley
Lieut. W.L. Fernald
Capt. J. Ayers Jr.
Lieut. F.M. Kimball
Lieut. W.P. Wentworth
Lieut. F.G. Massey
Lieut. G.D. Connelly
Lieut. Hector Sears
Lieut. Morton Havens
Lieut. George T. Cook.
Capt. B.C. Cook
Lieut. J. B. Clinton
Lieut. H.K.W. Ayres
Lieut. George R. Buffum
Mr. J.W. Barnes
Mr. Frank A. Butts
Lieut. W.A. McNulty
Captain John O'Dwyer

Transcription Notes:
changed ditto marks to text, as directed in TIPS Page 54 has been edited. ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-12-20 10:28:39