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May 3d 1867.
Armstrong General, S.C.
Sir, Your communication dated April 27th 1867, enclosing application for U.S. Bounty &c was duly received. I return herewith the application of Henry Jarvis, late private Co K, 55th Mass. Vols., for invalid pension — for the signatures of the witnesses to the signatures of E.R. Carey and A. Hopkins. 

Application for additional Bounty should be made only on the forms furnished for that purpose. 

I am, Sir 
Yours Respty 
Garrick Mallery 
Capt. 43d Infty.
A.A.A. Genl. 

(12 Enclosures) 

May 3d 1867.
McDonnell Captain, J.A.
Sub. A. Comr.

The Asst. Comr. desires to be informed of the price at which Corn and pork can be purchased in Shenandoah, Rockingham and Augusta Counties 

I am, Captain
Yours Respectfully
Garrick Mallery 
Capt 43d Infty - A.A.A.G. 

May 3d 1867.
Webber E.M.
Great Falls, N.H. 

Report to me at Richmond at once.
(Sgd.) O. Brown 
Bvt. Brig. Genl. Vols. 
Asst. Comr.

Garrick Mallery 
A.A.A. Genl 

May 4th 1867.
McDonnell Capt, J.A.
Sub Asst. Comr.
The Asst. Comr. directs that you forward a special and full report in the case of Henry Tomlinson, mentioned in your report dated April 30th 1867, in accordance with Cir. No 5. C.S, from these Hd Qrs.


I am, Captain
Yours respecty
Garrick Mallery 
Capt 43d Infty
A.A.A. Genl. 

May 6th 1867.
Wentworth 2d Lieut. Watson, R.   
Asst. Sub. Asst. Comr. (thro. Sub. Dist. H. Qrs.) 

The Asst. Comr. Directs that you report the names of such officers as fail or refuse to take cognizance of the cases alluded to in your report under Cir. No. 10., Series 1866, Hd Qrs Asst. Comr, St. of Va.
I am, Lieut, 
Very Respectfully 
Your obt Servt. 
Garrick Mallery 
Capt. 43d Infty.
A.A.A. Genl.  

May 6th 1867. 
Hill Mr. William, Prest.
Educational League, 
Pristol-Goodson, Va (thro. Sub. Dist. H. Qrs) 

The letter from your Leage dated March 13th 1867, addressed to Capt. John O. O'Niel, A.S. Asst. Comr, relative to aid for school, was duly received. Bvt. Maj: Geo. Q. White, A.Q.M. Chf Q.M. & D.O. has been instructed to turn over to you one hundred (100) dollars for that purpose.

I am, Sir
Yours Respty
Garrick Mallery
Capt. 43d Infty.
A.A.A. Genl.

(H. Qrs. R.F. and A.L. Va. 1 Vol. 1867)

May 6th 1867.
Johnson Maj. James,
Sub. Asst. Comr.,

Your attention is invited to the following passage in Lieut. E.W. Busby's report dated April 25th 1867 under Circular No. 6 -

Transcription Notes:
on Page 122, removed table markings and rearranged in letter format