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August 8th, 1867.
Johnson Bvt. Lt. Col. James.
Sub. Asst. Comr.

You will please cause inquiries to be made for Willis Poole (colored) of Fredericksburg, Va., and report result to these Head Quarters.

I am, Colonel
Yours respty
Garrick Mallery
Capt. 43rd Infty.
A.A.A. Genl.

August 8th, 1867.
Hambrick Lt. Paul. R.
Actg. S.A. Comr.

You will please cause inquiries to be made for Willis Poole, (colored) of Fredericksburg Va., and report result to these Head Quarters.

I am, Lieut.
Yours respty
Garrick Mallery
Capt. 43rd Infty.
A.A.A. Genl.

August 10th, 1867.
Hambrick 2nd Lt. Paul. R.
Actg. S.A. Comr.

I am directed by the Asst. Comr. to inform you that the appointment of Mr. Edwin Rawden, as clerk in this Bureau, has been revoked, to date August 6th, 1867.

I am, Sir
Yours respty
Garrick Mallery
Capt. 43rd Infty. Bvt. Maj. U.S.A.
A.A.A. Genl.

August 12th, 1867.
Balloch Bvt. Brig. Genl. Geo. W.
Chf. D. Officer,

I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your


communication of August 10th, enclosing check for $100 payable to Edward Williams for retained bounty due his brother Joseph Malary

I am, General
Very Respty
Your obt. Servt.
Garrick Mallery
Capt. 43rd Infty. Bvt. Maj. U.S.A.
A.A.A. Genl.
In absence of the Asst. Comr.

August 12th, 1867.
Remington Bvt. Maj. J. H.
Sub. Asst. Comr.,

I have the honor to enclose herewith check No. 1089, Natl Bank of the Republic for $100, payable to Edward Williams for retained bounty due his deceased brother Joseph Malary, Co. G. 38th U.S.C. Tps.
You will deposit the money with the National Savings and Trust Company of Norfolk Va., and forward the Cashiers receipt for the same to these Head Quarters.

I am, Major
Very respectfully
Your obt. Servt.
Garrick Mallery
Bvt. Maj. & A.A.A. Genl.

(1 Enclosure)

August 12th, 1867.
Upshur Thos. B. & Co.
Norfolk, Va.,

In compliance with your request of July 25th, I have the honor to inform you that a check payable to Edwd Williams brother of Joseph Malary, deceased, has this day been forwarded to Bvt. Maj. J. H. Remington, S. A. Comr. at Norfolk, Va., for deposit in the National Freedmens Savings, and Trust Company's Bank-

I am, Gentlemen
Yours respectfully
Garrick Mallery
Bvt. Maj. & A.A.A. Genl.

August 12th, 1867.
Saunders Sandy (colored)
car. John. C. Forguson,
Big Lick, V. & T.R.R.

Transcription Notes:
"Balloch" is intentional and not a misspelling of "Bullock". George Williamson Balloch was Chief Disbursing Officer of the Freedmen's Bureau from 1865 to 1871.