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Forward your petition for a School, addressed to Bvt. Brig. Genl. O. Brown, Asst. Comr., Richmond, Va., it will be acted upon on its receipt.

I am, Sir
Yours respty
Garrick Mallery
Bvt. Maj. & A.A.A. Genl.

August 12th, 1867.
Lee Captain S.P., Freedmen's Bureau,
Alexandria, Va.,

Come if it will not interfere with registration.

Garrick Mallery
A.A.A. Genl.

August 14, 1867.
McDonnell Captain John. A.
Sub. Asst. Comr.

In the case of Mr. A. Burkitt of Highland County, Va., all has been done in this Office that can be done, that is the papers were promptly forwarded Oct. 29th, 1866, May 20th, & Aug. 13th, 1867, to Dist. Head Quarters for the action of the Commanding General.
It is suggested that if desirable on account of urgency, the case be brought immediately to the notice of Lieut. J. T. H. Hall, military Commissioner for Highland County for his action.

I am, Captain
Very respty
Your obt. Servt.
Garrick Mallery
Bvt. Maj. & A.A.A. Genl.

August 15, 1867.
White Bvt. Maj. Geo. Q.
Chf. Q.M. and D.O.

I have the honor to inform you, that by instructions from Bureau Hd. Quarters of Aug. 14th, the monthly pay of Mr. R. S. Lacey, Agent, has been fixed at $150.00/100 to date from August 1st inst.

I am, Major, Very respty
Your obt. Servt.
Garrick Mallery
Bvt. Maj. & A.A.A. Genl.


August 15, 1867.
Blunt Capt. A. P. 
A.Q.M. U.S.A, Chf. Q.M. First milit. District.

I have the honor to refer to you the following extract from report of Inspection received at these Head Quarters.

* * * * * *
"I would respectfully call attention to the fact, that there are quite a number of Union Soldiers buried in these Counties whose graves are fast obliterated, and soon no trace will be left, or monument left to mark the spot where sleep the brave sons of New York and New Hampshire.  There are at Warsaw seven graves - at Westmoreland church, one - at Union Wharf, Richmond County, two - and two others near that point.  I would suggest that measures may be taken that their remains may be removed to the National Cemetery at Fredericksburg and that suitable monuments be erected to mark their resting places, and where their graves will not be polluted, as some of them have been, were they now are."
* * * * * *

Additional information with regard to the exact localities of the graves can be procured by inquiry of Lt. H. K. W. Ayers, V.R.C., A.S.A. Comr., Bureau R.F. & A. Lands, Warsaw, Richmond Co., Va.-

I am, Captain
Very respty
Your obt. Servt.
Garrick Mallery
Bvt. Maj. & A.A.A. Genl.
In absence of the Asst. Comr.

August 16th, 1867.
Hambrick Lieut. Paul. R.
Actg. Sub. Asst. Comr.

I have the honor to enclose herewith the appointment of Mr. Joel. R. Spahr, as Clerk in this Bureau, to take effect from date of required oath.
The enclosed oath will be returned to these Head Quarters when duly subscribed.

Yours respty
Garrick Mallery
Bvt. Maj. & A.A.A. Genl.

Transcription Notes:
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