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206     207

624  Telegram
Bur. R.F. & A.L.
Hd. Qrs. A.C. Va.
Richmond, Va., Oct. 14, 1868.

Remington J.H.
S.A. Comr., Norfolk Va.

How many Freedmen occupy Wise Farm? In what way do they occupy it?  Do they hold leases? Report in full by letter.

Will A. Coulter
Bvt. Capt U.S. Army
A.A.A. Genl.
R. 209, R.F. & A.L. Va/68.

Bur. R.F. & A.L.
Hd. Qrs. A.C. Va.
Richmond, Va., Oct. 15, 1868.

Hambrick 1 Lieut P.R.
S.A.C. 3 S. Dist.

The Asst. Comr directs that you send to these Hd. Qrs. without delay, the vouchers for issuing rations to the following loyal Refugees, between 11th and 29th of August 1868, viz: Sarah Bernard and two children, Betty White, P.D. Bernard, Jones Henry, Tudor, Margaret Fallow and Elizabeth Bethel.

Yours respty
Will A. Coulter
Bvt. Capt. U.S. Army
A.A.A. Genl.

H. 252. R.F. & A.L. Va/68.

Bur. R.F. & A.L.
Hd. Qrs. A.C. Va.
Richmond, Va., Oct. 15, 1868.

White Bvt Maj Geo. Q.
Capt 44 U.S.I. V.R.C. Chf. Q.M. &c.

By direction of the Asst. Comr. you will expend the sum of Thirty five (35) Dollars, for repairs of Freedmen's School House at Lynchburg, Va. occupied by Miss Whitaker.
This expenditure is based upon an application of J.F. Wilson, A.S.A. Comr, dated Oct 9th 1868, on file at these Head Quarters.

Will A. Coulter
Bvt. Capt  U.S.Army
A.A.A. Genl.

L. 236. R.F. & A.L. Va. 68.

Bur. R.F. & A.L.
Hd. Qrs. A.C. Va.
Richmond, Va., Oct. 15, 1868.

White Bvt Maj Geo. Q.
Capt. 44 U.S.I. V.R.C. Chf. Q.M. &c.

By direction of the Asst. Comr you will expend the sum of Eight (8) dollars, per month, from Oct. 1st 1868, for rent of room, occupied for a Freedmen's School, situated four miles from Richmond, Va., on the Brook Turnpike, Henrico Co. Va.  The room is in the house of Nelson Carter.
This expenditure is based upon an application of R.M. Manly, Supt. of Education, Dist of  Va., dated October 13, 1868.

Will A. Coulter
Bvt. Capt. U.S. Army
A.A.A. Genl.

M.  R.F. & A.L. Va/68

Bur. R.F. & A.L.
Hd. Qrs. A.C. Va.
Richmond, Va., Oct. 15, 1868.

White Bvt Maj Geo. Q.
Capt 44 U.S.I. V.R.C. Chf. Q.M. &c.

I am directed by the Asst. Comr. to enclose herewith the appointment of D.  Irving Wood, as a Clerk in this Bureau, to date October 15, 1868, at a salary of ninety (90) dollars per month.  The enclosed oath after being properly executed will be returned to this office for file.

Will A. Coulter
Bvt. Capt. U.S. Army
A.A.A. Genl

(2 Enclosures)
K. 490. R.F. & A.L. Va/68.

Bur. R.F. & A.L.
Hd. Qrs. A.C. Va.
Richmond, Va., Oct. 15, 1868.

Burke Esqr John
Custom House

I have directed by the Asst. Comr to request you to inform him of the present whereabouts of Thomas Cole, late Priv. Co A, 10 U.S.C. Tps, whose discharge and application for bounty was forwarded by you to J.R. Stone, S.A.C. a short time since.

Yours respty

Transcription Notes:
Brook Turnpike ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-01-03 09:57:56 Will A. Coulter, not Willet Cuelter