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Thos. P. Jackson, S.A. Comr.
C.P. Goodyear, A.S.A. Comr.
J.N. Croft, A.S.A. Comr.
Chas. E. Zincke, A.S.A. Comr.
Geo. W. Graham, A.S.A. Comr.
E.C. Morse, A.S.A. Comr.
Thos. J. Rice, A.S.A. Comr.
Mortimer Moulden, A.S.A. Comr.
Wm. Crea, A.S.A. Comr.
Fred. S. Tukey, A.S.A. Comr.
W.H.H. Stowell, A.S.A. Comr.
F.W. Haskell, A.S.A. Comr.
P.H. McLaughlin, A.S.A. Comr.
Thos. Leahey, A.S.A. Comr.
Geo. W. Black, A.S.A. Comr.
Wm. Leahey, A.S.A. Comr.
S.F. Maddox, A.S.A. Comr.
D.B. White, A.S.A. Comr.
Watkins James, A.S.A. Comr.
O.S.B. Wall, Agent - Alexandria, Va.
Chas. M. Power, Spec. Agt. - Eastern Shore, Va.
H.C. Percy, Spec. Agt. - Norfolk, Va.

J.M. Wayt, Clerk.
Chas. Siebert, Clerk.
Waldemar Wulff, Clerk.
Elizabeth Devine, Clerk.
Eliz. L. Van Lew, Clerk.
C. Deyber, Clerk.
D. Irving Wood, Clerk.
Geo. K. Ingalls, Clerk.
A.E. Shuman, Clerk.
A.C. Joseph, Clerk.
H. Westerhoff, Clerk.
S.M. De Lamater, Clerk.
H. Richardson, Clerk.
John T. Dezendorf, Clerk.
M.V. Bailey, Clerk.
G.A. Baker, Clerk.
P. O'Brien, Clerk.
J.R. Spahr, Clerk.
F.W. Poor, Clerk.
A.W. Weeks, Clerk.


Clerks (Continued)
D.V. Purrington, Clerk.
R.S. Jones, Clerk.
Chas. W. Adams, Clerk.
J.B. Work, Clerk.
J.M. Jones, Clerk.
Addison Terry, Clerk.
Geo. H. Smith, Clerk.
John Raeburn, Clerk & A.A.S.A. Comr.
Roswell Waldo, Clerk & A.A.S.A. Comr.

Yours respty
Will A. Coulter
Bvt. Capt. U.S. Army
A.A.A. Genl.

W. 612. 613. & 614. B.R.F. & A.L. Va/68.

Bur. R. F. & A. L.
Hd. Qrs. A.C. Va.
Richmond, Va. Dec. 21. 1868.

Hambrick Bvt. Maj. Paul R.
S.A. Comr.

The Asst. Comr. directs that you make an immediate report of the number of persons, white and colored, that are receiving rations from this Bureau in this City. This report will show the number of soup and sick rations, issued daily, with the cost of the same.

Yours respty
Will A. Coulter
Bvt. Capt. U.S. Army
A.A.A. Genl.

Bur. R. F. & A. L.
Hd. Qrs. A.C. Va.
Richmond, Va. Dec. 23. 1868.

James Watkins Esqr.
A.S.A. Comr.

Your favor of 28th inst. is received. I am directed by the Asst. Comr. to inform you that you have given entire satisfaction during your service in this Bureau, that he regrets that he cannot give you an appointment as Supt. of Schools, there being but few allowed for the State, who have already been appointed. The appointees were selected for the position on account of their long connection with school affairs.

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