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Germain Seligmann, Esq. 
February 11, 1929

like to see them.

While I was away, a Mrs. CUTTEN came in here without mentioning any names and asked to see a tapestry, and I understand finally the "Danse à Deux" tapestry was sold to her. As a matter of fact, Mrs. CUTTEN's husband is a partner of HUTTON & CO. whom I have met at the HUTTON's and to whom Frank had spoken very enthusiastically about our firm, so it was undoubtedly, through this that she came in, althought of course, René did not know who she was.

There may be a possibility of my selling those two large stone vases in the foyer to Jimmie DONAHUE for his garden, and I am writing him again today about them, and I am likewise sending him a photograph of the Urbino plate.

I gave what everybody said was one of the most successful little dinner parties down there, including the DONAHUES, the Ed. HUTTON's, the Frank HUTTON's the Ira RICHARDS', the Orson MUNN's, Colonel KEENAN, and Mr. and Mrs. Charles AMORY, who by the bye was originally Mrs. A. G. VANDERBILT. 

February 13, 1929

Mr. WINTHROP came in to see me this morning, and I showed him the MORLAND and the Isabey Drawing. I told him, however, this latter was reserved and he told me that if it is not sold to the party for whom it is now reserved, he would like to see it again. He is really quite interested in it but he thinks (as I think, myself) it is a very high price for a drawing by ISABEY whose things are not realizing big prices.

Remind me to speak to you as soon as possible about the meeting I attended of the Antique Dealers' Association.

I have promised to reserve the English 18th century portrait of a man which we purchased through SPERO for Mrs. OTTMAN who is Louis EHRST's sister. I have described this picture to her and she thinks it may be the very thing she is looking for.

I am likewise getting Mrs. SCHUETTE in one day this eek to look at our new paintings, and I am going up there this afternoon to see her.

This morning, I hung the LECLERC des GOBELINS at the Harold RICHARDS and it looks very well there.   I am also probably going to hang the MORLAND in another room as I noticed a spae where they need something and where this would go very well.