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# 1692 

April 2nd, 1935.

for Mr. Germain Séligmann
from Mr. C. M. de Hauke.

So as to avoid forgetting or mixing up all the questions which we are to take up when you arrive, herewith resumé of the current important questions:

1) GOODYEAR: I got in touch with Conger Goodyear and made him understand I could find a client for his Gauguin and his Van Gogh. He told me to make him offers.

I have spoken to the Boston Museum about it. They are interested, and will in the next few days send us most probably an order to buy on their behalf up to $70,000. for the Gauguin, or $120,000. for the two pictures. They are still interested in Lautrec, Seurat, and Daumier, but would much rather have the Gauguin and Van Gogh if available.

Sachs, Edgell, and Cunningham are in perfect agreement regarding these pictures. Therefore, as far as I can see, the matter rests entirely in the hands of Goodyear.

2) DEGAS "Courses": Sachs quite enthusiastic about the Degas and told me to see Mrs. DANFORTH and to tell her that Professor Sachs recommends this picture to her.

3) GINN: Have written to Ginn regarding the VAN GOGH of Rosenburg which was at Durand-Ruel. No answer so far, but will attack him with the CEZANNE landscape received from Paris.

4) LAUTREC "Toilette": PARSONS was very positive when he saw the Lautrec and said if we still had the picture in the Fall, he would do everything on his behalf to have the picture bought by the Kansas City Museum.

I have written to RICH about this picture but he has answered me that they have enough Lautrecs in the Museum and they have other gaps to fill.

5) CLARKE - SPRINGFIELD: Mr. Clarke of Springfield Museum came in with Mr. Parsons and then wrote me about the "Rider" of the ECCLES Collection. He is genuinely interested in the picture, and will speak to his Trustees about it.

6) PARSONS: Parsons has also told me of his desire to buy a certain VAN GOGH picture which I know, and has said that if we can have the picture in our hands, he is quite positive that Kansas City will buy it.

I know where this picture is, and feel quite confident that we can have it on approval.

Mr. Barr...........

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