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Drey Exhibition: I heard the Drey exhibition is having quite some success. They have had over 600 people in - including Miss Frick.

Wildenstein - Hubert Robert Exhibition: I also learned that Wildenstein is planning a Hubert Robert exhibition, catalogue of which is being made by Dr. Frankfurter. In case we are asked to contribute to the exhibition, will you let me know if you are willing to do so. 

Duveen: I understand that when Beaumont bought his pictures from Duveen, two years ago, Joe Duveen was supposed to have had no money whatsoever, and owed three months salary to some of his employes. Also that Mrs. Dillman paid 20% deposit on the lot she bought, and not a cent since.

"The Blue Boy" is for sale at DuveenĀ“s - because the Huntington fortune was in railroads.


Germain Seligmann, Esq.,
9 Rue de la Paix,

Transcription Notes:
Reopened for Editing 2024-02-02 13:46:06 added affectueusement in place of [[?]], not marginalia, it's a salutation back to review. ms ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-02-03 03:46:33