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Mr. Germain Seligmann:       March 8th, 1935. 

-Page Four-

(#12- Baron Vitta Sale)

it - up to or around Ffrs.20.000.,

 I have told Clyfford to only accept from Winthrop an offer above Frs.20,000. and advised him to get, if possible, Frs.30,000. and to tell Winthrop very frankly that one of our intimate friends wanted the drawing - and that if it went below Frs.20,000. we would be compelled to let him have it. Whereas, if the drawing goes above this figure, we would be glad to buy it for Winthrop's account.

I hope these lines are perfectly clear. In the event that we do cable you the two orders - Ingres, #5, and Rodin #12 - may I ask you, if convenient to you, to buy the Ingres painting under your name or the firm's name - but to buy the Rodin drawing at auction under my name. I would want, and need, the publicity that this purchase would give me. I feel that the more people know of my personal interest in drawings, the more we shall be offered things of that kind - and the more will I consolidate the beginning of a reputation I am having in this country for that kind of works.

Neither OWENS nor BIRNBAUM must have this drawing! I wouldn't be surprised also if ROSENBERG was after such a fine work too.

MANET - KANSAS CITY: We have received a letter from Kansas City asking for the Manet picture. I have checked up all the data.

Bien [[?]] à vous

Germain Séligmann, Esq.,
9, rue de la Paix,

Ventes [[?]] et [[?]] Des Derniers 12 mois

CEZANNE [[Jo-?]]
CELAWNE [[Jo-?]]
DEGAS [[C-?]]

INGRES [[M-?]]

$22.000 en moderne -
10.000 en ancien -
$32.000 -

et petites choses par Renoir. Delacroix. [[M??in]]. [[R?tter.]] [[W?-S?.]] Asselin. Jacob. Daumier.

Just had the visit of [[Ginar?]]. Satisfied with his Lautrec.