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3 East 51st Street,
New York City,
March 6th, 1935.

My dear Germain:

The impossible has happened. It seems that there is a good possibility of interesting MRS. EDOUARD JONAS in the purchase of the SCHMITZ Collection. The arrangement is as follows: - 6% interest to her, plus one of the pictures as a present; we are to handle all the pictures and we give an interest in the business to Mr. Jonas - what that interest will be as not actually settled but he certainly has been very helpful and I don't know if he expects to get 50% or 25% of the profits.

What we told Mr. and Mrs. Jonas was that the Collection could perhaps be had from Frances 4,500,000.- and we showed her the list of the paintings in the Collection and also reproductions of several of these pictures. She is very enthusiastic about the VAN GOGH and DEGAS "Laundresses" especially.

Her co-operation is by no means fully decided as she wants to see the pictures first, but I am more than surprised that seems interested in our proposition.

I am writing you this letter because I want you to be be'au courant' as Jonas is sailing this Saturday.

Mrs. Jonas is bringing in to us her son whom she described as anxious to buy a few things for a few thousand dollars.

WEHLE - I had Wehle in - he liked and is interested in the VIGEE LE BRUN and in the LE NAIN. I am trying to find out if it is an opportune moment to offer them to them Museum.

I sent to Dr. Frankfurter the Lariboisiere by DAVID, as a result of which I got the following information:

The client, who is a friend of the Berwinds would like a full length David portrait of a woman of the Directoire period, therefore the Lariboisiere would not do. Frankfurter told these people that a picture like that would be extremely expensive, to which he was told the Mr. Chester Dale paid $25,000.- for a picture just like that last year, but they were told that the picture Mr. Dale bought was very much over-painted. Frankfurter thought that if by a miracle a picture like that could be found, they might pay between $25,000 and $30,000, but his advice to me was not to take it too seriously.

March 8th

FURST -I had lunch with Furst, but see nothing of interest there.

MRS. CHURCH OSBORN - Called up Mrs. Osborn, who said she would come next week.


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---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-02-03 08:29:06