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3 East 51st Street,
New York City,
March 4th, 1935.


My dear Germain:

FRANCIS KOHLMAN - I have nothing definite to tell you yet about Francis Kohlman, but as you undoubtedly are wondering what happened and as it is rather optimistic I will let you know. After our weekly lunch, Francis asked me for another two weeks delay and said that in two weeks he would have paid his income tax, would know then whether he would buy our picture or not, and that in all probability he would. Therefore, it will probably take another month for the thing to be definitely settled.

DINNER PARTY - Another triumph of your policy of mystery did not take place on account of the fact that you had invited your dinner party Francis Kohlman and Ernst Rosenfeld, who are mortal enemies. I know that your answer will be that you are not supposed to know it, but on the other hand I don't doubt that when you invite people to dinner it is to give them a pleasant evening and not to create friction; and also neither Francis nor Ernst could ever have conceived that you would carried your internationally known policy of mystery to such an extent as not to let me know when you give a dinner party and invite people who I certainly see a great deal more than you do.

SEURAT - Providence - Cesar left suddenly for Boston because he called up Earle Rowe who wanted to see SEURAT "Eiffel Tower" for a meeting they will have tomorrow. Therefore, he went to Boston to get the Seurat and is going to leave it in Providence.

ROSENTHALS - They have decided not to keep the piece from Lenygon because it was in too bad condition. It certainly proves once more that when we show things to clients in order to sell them and not to spoil sales, we should show them in as perfect condition as possible; at least this time we did not suffer by it.

MRS. JONAS - VAN GOGH - We are borrowing from Mrs. Sullivan a Van Gogh head to show to Mrs. Jonas, but undoubtedly the finest Van Gogh in town is the one from Bignou.

CENTURY CLUB - Yesterday we had our usual lunch with Frankfurter, who took us after lunch to the Century Club where there is an exhibition of pictures, - several loaned by the Harknesses and one loaned by Rockefeller. Wildenstein has a very good small Botticelli in the show and Drey two Pesellino panels. There is also one picture by our new confreres J. P. Morgan.

This visit was of some interest to us as I ran into Pichetto over whom I made a very big fuss. In that show is also the little woman's portrait which we saw at Knoedlers, which they exhibited as a Carpaccio and which Frankfurter thinks is a Catena.

I am keeping the catalogue here for you to see.

Germain Seligmann, Esq.,
9 rue de la Paix,
Paris, France.


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