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Mr. Germain Séligmann:
March 2, 1935.

- Page Two -

This Renoir is the famous picture but not colorful of the Herzog Collection, which we both know very well and which was in the hands of the Matthiesen Gallery in Berlin. Zatzenstein showed us the picture years ago.

The other pictures in the Bignou exhibition come, as I told you even before I saw them, from English collections. There is absolutely nothing new - no discoveries whatsoever - but the show is a very clever one and there is no doubt that he will dispose of these pictures sooner or later.

You can imagine how I feel when I am writing this letter; especially after what has happened in Detroit - and what happened at Mrs. Schulte JONAS.

You must absolutely see ROSENBERG and try to reach some kind of agreement with him. You are well aware today of the situation of our market. You are well posted on what can be found in Europe.

It is indeed interesting to know that Bignou has taken none of the Bernheim-Jeune pictures. The prices of the Bernheim-jeune have gone up - and furthermore, there are very few interesting things left in their collection.

This leads me to think of their LAUTREC - and consequently of our Lautrec in Boston. Of course, our chances of selling that picture are now very much compromised since Edgell always wanted a large Renoir - and he is seriously considering the Bignou picture.

We must concentrate our efforts on the SCHMITZ Collection. I will try to find out the prices which Bignou is asking for his pictures and it might help us to be more generous with our price for the Schmitz collection. I feel convinced that Knoedler, Wildenstein, Rosenberg - either the three of them - or any one of them separately - will join you in the purchase of the Schmitz Collection.

ENCLOSED GORDON LETTER: Herewith I am also enclosing you a copy of a letter received from Mr. Gordon. I have talked the matter over with him very seriously. As I told you, the $150,000. are in the bank just awaiting being handed over to someone who comes up with a definite plan - and Gordon told me that he had a great deal of authority in the matter and that he would gladly give me the job.

Of course, it is quite a difficult matter to handle - and I can give only my artistic advice, and quite a definite plan I have in mind. When it comes to the architectural part, however, I need the expert advice of an architect, and especially the accurate figures of a contractor.

The land will be donated by the city and as large a plot as shall be needed. The landscaping will also be done by the city, from what I understand. I understand also that there is no political

(interference connected...............

Transcription Notes:
one typo fixed. ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-02-03 08:56:37 ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-02-04 13:57:21 ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-02-04 20:27:48 ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-02-05 21:02:36