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New York, N.Y.
3 East 51st Street,

December 27th, 1935.

Dear Germain:

I thought you would be interested to hear that I was speaking to Mrs. Garbich yesterday, and both she and her busband and apparently all her friends are extremely pleased with the de Kammerer portrait. Incidently I might mention that I saw the picture for the first time up at Miss de Kammerer's studio just before it was sent out to the Garbichs, and "entre nous", I personally do not like it although it [[strikethrough]] was [[/strikethrough]] is obviously a very good likeness and [[strikethrough]] was [[/strikethrough]] is photographically exactly like the little Garbich girl.

I suppose the principal thing is that they are satisfied with it and Miss de Kammerer is starting on the second portrait this week.

I might add that Miss de Kammerer has already received a check for $2,000. for this first portrait, and she has remitted to us the money that was due to us, and also the commission which altogether amounts to a little over a thousand dollars.

With no other news, and my kindest regards,

Believe me to be,

Yours very sincerely,

Germain Séligmann, Esq.,
Hotel Greenbrier,
White Sulphur Springs,
West Virginia.