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New York
December 26th, 1935.

Fiche to Mr. Germain Seligmann
 From Mr. Rene Seligmann

Lehman: Just had a conversation with Mrs. Lehman. Mr. Lehman adores the pictures but Mrs. L. thinks they are not right for her English home. She asked me what I thought of her having a pair of HOGARTH and VAN DER NEER for these panels.
We ended up by deciding that I should investigate and see if I could find a simpler frame to try. I am busy right now with that.

MARIE HARRIMAN: I had a telephone conversation with her. The woman to whom she showed the VAN GOGH is extremely difficult; she didn't like ours. The fact that she liked the "Quarry" does not mean anything - according to Mrs. Harriman, because she believes she has not even seen it!
The lady is, however, very interesting - having bought a few little things by Renoir, etc., and having untold money. For the time being, she could come into consideration for a VAN GOGH, and Mrs. Harriman has asked me to let her know if we hear of one - even if it is in Europe.

MRS. I.D. LEVY: Mrs. I.D.Levy telephoned. She is leaving Saturday for five weeks, so I took a message. She is sending the photograph of the Dutch picture, and she bought it from Jonas and paid $23,000. for it. She said she would take $17,000. or $18,000. But from the way she talked I realized that she would also take less.

We received an answer from London in reference to the Quentin Matsys. The lowest price for the picture is $30,000. - but they have a continental museum interested in it. I asked Mr. Goldman $40,000. - for the picture, giving him the facts, and he told me to write back to London that if the Museum did not buy the picture, what would their lowest price then be. I am to let him know when we hear.