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October 29, 1935
Dear Germaine,

The following developments so far. To begin with, staying at the Lake Shore Drive Hotel. Secondly, had tea at Mrs. Ryerson's yesterday with Eleanor. The house is magnificent and very sumptuous, but contains no works of art in the rooms that I saw. However, there are many "household relics" that she wants to remove and supplant with 19th C. She wants a pendant for her Monet "Pier at Argenteuil. 1868" (reproduced in Rich's new book on Seurat under Coll. Knoelder!]-I didn't ask her where she got it. She has always been interested in 19th C. and now wants to build up a collection. Met her husband who is a trustee at the Art Institute, but understand he only represent the Ryerson interests and knows little about pictures, being interested chiefly in horses, being Master of the Hunt. Mrs. R told me he balked at the price of the Manet and also said she wanted to see our new Cezanne and Van Goghs although thought the latter would kill any other pictures in the room. She said I could use my discretion in finding a pendant & hoped it would be cheap!!! This seems to be the case although they have plenty of money, and I think that on the first few they want to go easy. - She still adores "La Fôret" and I think will buy it in N.Y - She & her husband are coming in about November 15 - they are not going to California where they have a place, having changed their minds. She also wants two large upright pictures for other panels - think new Picasso would be perfect or Manet "Proust" - pictures about that size. -Personally I think the Rosenberg Cezanne would have been a good pendant, but she was dead against it & thought it was "too long"!! The Manet is [[strikethrough]]about the[[/strikethrough]] slightly [[strikethrough]]size of[[/strikethrough]] "shorter". She couldn't have been nicer. I am on excellent [[strikethough]]After[[/strikethough]] terms with her & still feel confident. - One more

Transcription Notes:
trustee, not teacher added missing sentence fixed typos. verified La Fôret (note other pages to see how he does his F's as well.) back to review. ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-02-06 15:33:36