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they are giving Thursday night as according to what you told me, this might be better. On top of this, Helen and I are working to have someone else give a small dinner to meet him. From what I understand, they have few friends, and if I (of all people) can give him a social push in Chicago or N.Y., I might make a friend for life. He has recently gotten in the Country Club. More news about him in my next letter. -Perhaps he would consider one or two things if we send them out - would you? Cramer tells me French & English 18th C. are what he needs and that there is space large enough for one 40 x 50 or larger. Perhaps Lady [[?]] or Metternich would be just the thing. Epstein has been working on them but with no success so far - he tells me they talk of making "discoveries" in Russia. 

Leon Mandel:
Dining tonight on his yacht. 

Max Epstein: 
Dining there Thursday night. Also spent three hours with him today in his new offices and at lunch with Shapley. Showed me a photograph of a new Watteau portrait he bought (at his house now & will see it) and of which he is very proud. Said it was a past discovery of his and that he bought it from a private home in England at a fair price. Since then he says has been authenticated etc. by everyone including the Louvre. Not interested in 19 C. although later said Renoir might tempt him. He was ultra cordial and wasted hours with me but at this writing I don't feel any real business. But some may develop yet. He gave a large sum of

Transcription Notes:
Um. I hit complete and it went into transcribe without re-opening. weird. Original & Final reviewer note MS: Researched for over an hour to find name of Lady L, very unsuccessful. I'm familiar with his handwriting, this curly r (?) is odd, but still only a few words it can be. Sending complete. Um. I hit complete and it went into transcribe without re-opening. weird. Hitting review again. Next person can just hit COMPLETE! Reopened for Editing 2024-02-06 21:11:11 NOTE: Do NOT indicate underlining. See transcription guidelines. I have deleted here. ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-02-06 20:37:34 Added underlines. ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-02-06 16:05:07 ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-02-06 15:34:29 MS Please leave in transcribe status when there are so many questions left, someone will come behind and fill it in before sending to review. -filled in [[?]]s -removed unnecessary brackets around words for unclear reasons. -added missing page# -fix 18bc C. to 18th C. (century) -changed several at's to on -Has to Also -name is Shapley, see next page -and back to & as in letter -deleted extra sentences -added hotel info preprinted on page back to review. ---------- Many names are missing I am guessing it is the word small or swell when speaking about dinner. Seems like person omits a person's name many times or shortens it.