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Manchukuo Brigands Also Loot Building Camp and Seize Two of Fujita Gumi


Kidnapped Railway Attack Victims Still Missing and Being Sought by Troops

HARBIN, May 8.—Three Japanese policemen and two other Japanese were killed yesterday morning, when a group of 208 bandits made a sudden attack on the headquarters of the Fujita Gumi, a Japanese concern engaged in the construction of State roads in Pinkiang Province, at a point 37 miles south of Ningan in the eastern part of the Province.

Following a battle between the marauders and the police force attached to the Manchukuo State Road Bureau with the support of Japanese workers, the bandits made away with what loot they had pillaged during the raid. Two men of the Fujita Gumi were kidnapped by the outlaws.

On receipt of the news, 300 Manchukuo cavalry stationed at Ningan were rushed to the scene in the teeth of a severe storm last night.

A Japanese soldier was killed in action early this morning when the Kawashima detachment rounded up a group of 100 outlaws about at a point five miles southwest of Sanchiang, on the Lafa-Harbin line. The marauders were routed after a battle lasting more than three hours.

Hostages Being Sought

HSINKING, May 8.—Two letters written in Japanese, fragments of foreign-style clothes, and a few gramophone records, all apparently belonging to the Japanese who were kidnapped by the bandits who attacked a train on the Hsingking-Tumen line last Thursday, are reported to have been picked up by a squad of Japanese troops at a point east of Haungniho-tzu, southwest of Kirin Province.

The punitive force is pursuing the marauders in the northeast of the Hayingeling range, on the easter border of Kirin.

Japanese Private Killed

Second-Class Private Fujio Saito was killed in Manchuria early Wednesday morning while his unit was fighting against Manchurian bandits at a point about five miles southwest of Shanho-tun, according to a Rengo report yesterday.

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-02-03 18:02:24