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Telegraphic Address "IMPHO TOKYO"

Imperial Hotel

since college ---- all recount fabulous tales about the Japanese character which is pretty impossible, the dislike of any foreigner, and the impossibility of doing business, and the complete shut-out of all foreign business and interests in Japan. I too have found out in my short stay here that they are the most cocky, insolent, and unpleasant people, as well as being highly suspicious and two faced. 
 Finally in desperation I inquired about such famous and wealthy (enormously) families as the Mitsui, Mitsubishi, Sumitomo, who own and control everything from banks to shipping lines and warehouses, but these lives the most simple and recluse lives, and even go as far as to disown or snub one of their own family who spends money freely or shows any sign of ostentation. And lastly, Mikimoto, who you probably remember, is the great pearl king (they are beautiful and you wouldn't know the difference), but he is an old man, sldom appears, and it would take quite a while to get to know him. Aside from that, noone has any idea whether he is or would be interested in art. 
 War and aggression is mentioned everywhere and they are ruthless in their desire to be supreme. Unfortunately, they are an impossible race ---- talk to anyone who has been here. For the first time in my life, I am glad and anxious to leave a country (Helen feels as I do), and I am thankful that I do not have to live here. It may interest you to know that we have had eleven ambassadors in eighteen years ---- none of them could stand it very long, and today, as you can gather from reading the newspapers, it is one of our most ticklish posts. 
 IN view of these rather discouraging things, and having tried to investigate every possible angle within my means on the subject of business, we are pulling stakes tomorrow night, and after spending one more night en route at a Japanese Inn, we embark for Korea, Manchoukuo, and Peking.