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Imperial Hotel

Regarding other things, our trip has continued to be the most marvelous in the world, despite the fact that neither of us can feel any lost love or excitement about this country. We have had a wealth of experiences and have seen a host of wonderful things, so that today we are trying to keep them all staight in our minds. Thanks to ever increasing footage on our films and snapshots (over 6000 ft. of film and almost 1000 snaps) we have a pretty good record of the whole thing, and I know you will enjoy seeing the canals of Bangkok, or the wonders of Angkor (which are too indescribably marvelous and fantastic), or our shooting expedition in French Indo-China with The Mois, or native tribes, and so on. We had a most amusing three days in Shanghai with Sir Victor Sassoon and the Chester Fritz's. The former is highly entertaining, is losing millions daily in this many enterprises, but still has a small fortune to his credit, and is a very good contact, if not a possible client, which I don't know as yet. We are returning to Shanghai for another five or six days, and will find out more. He only comes to England every other year. Incidentally, Shanghai is just a big cosmopolitan city with huge European quarters, and no "sights" to speak of, but we are looking forward to Peking with much zest, as we hear that it is the greatest of all Chinese cities. We sail for Bali and Java from Shanghai on June 6th. and will probably embark by plane for Europe around the beginning of July, arriving in Naples some time between July 10-15. Which brings me to the question of summer plans.
 Not having heard from you in some time and being at the moment unfamiliar with the business situation in New York or Paris, I do not know what might be best for me to do. Would you like me to come to Paris immediately, and work on things for the coming year or on clients if they exist, or is there something I can do in Italy or elsewhere for you and the firs? In other words, how would you suggest I spend the summer in the best interests of business? Of course, having been away so long, I am anxious to do some business and get into the swing of things again as soon as I get back. Would you please write