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HATFIELD: is returning to town in a day or two and I have left word for him to call me. You remember that he is the dealer whom Putzel wired us about last winter. I understand, however, that he has a financial tie-up with Lilienfeld in New York and is acting as his agent out here.

H.M. KURTZWORTH: is the director of the Los Angeles Art Association. His only interest, as far as I am concerned, is that he is arranging for me to see the collection of Willetts J. Hole. This is the man who has bought entirely from Newhouse and who, I understand, has good, bad and indifferent things. I have also been told from many sources that he has given Newhouse a great deal of land in California in exchange for the pictures for which he has paid very little cash, so that this may be an obstacle to overcome.

Kurtzworth is also arranging for me to see the collection of Mrs. William Harrison Fisher who, I am told, has a few fine things.

MRS. LESLIE MAITLAND: is unfortunately away for the summer. I am told, however, that she is a new collector and has bought some Modigliani and Picasso and several other modern pictures. There is absolutely no possibility of seeing her but I understand her pictures are in San Diego, where I am going next week for the day, to see Poland and the museum.

JULES FURTHMAN: is a writer, connected with the MGM organization and I understand he has bought several modern pictures. I have already arranged an appointment to see him.

PAUL MABURY: is another collector here, to whom I have written, although he is not in town at the moment. I understand he has bought several fine old masters and is a great friend of Balch and Hole.

MRS. SOL WURTZEL: I shall make inquiries about her.

MAURICE BLOCK: is the curator of the Huntington Gallery. I am very anxious to see him, as well as the pictures, of course. As you probably remember when I showed you a certain issue of the London Illustrated News in which was reproduced several new additions to the collection so that evidently, and also from what I hear, they buy certain English pictures from time to time. I have also been told that when their English group is complete, they may very well branch out into French pictures, which rumor I shall certainly verify. I have an appointment with Block the end of this week.

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---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-03-18 12:53:41.