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9 rue de la Paix,

Dear Liechti:

Several days ago I mailed to you a copy of letter I had written to Messrs Arthur Ackermann & Son Ltd., London, requesting them to deliver four (4) paintings to Chenue for shipment to New York - the paintings in question being consigned to us for Mr. Georges Haardt.

Herein I am enclosing copy of letter received from Messrs Arthur Ackermann & Son Ltd., telling us that they are including in the shipment a set of four paintings by Wolstenholme.

Will you please read the last paragraph of their letter carefully, and take the necessary steps to insure these eight (8) paintings upon delivery in New York and while in America.

So that you will be completely posted I am also enclosing copy of letter I have written today to Messrs, Chenue, London, and my reply to Messrs.  Arthur Ackermann.

You are, of course, to advise Haardt as soon as you receive the paintings.



O. A. Liechti, Esq.,
3 East 51st. Street,
New York, N.Y.

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-02-15 18:11:35