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Venise, le Mardi
Cher Germain,

Merci pour vos gentilles lettres, - que nos bizarres natures se ressemblent & combien pour mon impertiquement d'ailleurs le ton trop souvent ns. tient bien en chanson.

J'ai cablé à Sachs à peu près ceci:

Achetons ou offrons $2.500 pour Victoire plus 60% des bénéfices lors de la vente, Brame préfère acheter 2 Degas véritables prix achat plus 20% de bénéfice pour vous - sans participation % revente. - câblez réponse .

Cela me parait répondre à ts. ses points & les nôtres.

Transcription Notes:
It needs a French speaker. The handwriting is a problem, but it's all quite clear with an effort. ---------- 2/10 MS. I am working on both pages of this letter. I got this down to one word, that I just cannot decipher. Degs is questionable too, but it could make sense depending on what the next word is. In context, all the other words make sense for a 1937 financial discussion. I can see why there's been trouble with this. It's the translation that make it seem wrong. But in layman's english, it says. ""Thank you for your kind letters - how similar our quirky natures are & how much my cheekiness is, by the way, often the tone that suits us quite well." ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-02-15 18:38:57 ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-02-15 19:24:20 ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-02-16 17:36:08