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- III -

September 14th, 1937

and have them over here this winter?  I don't think they are the greatest Cézannes in the world but certainly they have not been seen at all either in Europe or America and I think they would be most saleable.  While on the subject of Cézanne, Rich told me that he would like very much to have a very fine and important Cézanne figure piece in the Institute collection.  I remind you that the only figure piece by Cézanne in Chicago is the "Bathers" belonging to Mrs. R. R. McCormick.

WINTERBOTHAM - I also spoke to Rich about this man specifically in connection with the la Fresnaye and Seurat.  He promised to speak to Winterbotham about both these pictures as he is most anxious to have the La Fresnaye in the Museum collection, and would also like to see another Seurat in Chicago.  He told me, however, that he didn't think that W. had ever laid out $50,000 for a picture but that he would see what he could do.

ALICE ROULLIER - Found her more cordial than usual but she also seemed to complain about business.  She has just come back from Europe.  She promised to keep me posted should she need anything in the way of drawings or water colors.

MAX EPSTEIN - Was his usual cordial self only even more so.  We went over for dinner and spent an evening with him when he proudly showed me three new acquisitions.  One, and this will surprise you, is the Renoir, "La Bohemienne" (also known as La Bucheronne) which he bought from Paul Rosenberg this spring when he was in Europe.  You no doubt know this picture very well as it was exhibited both in Rosenberg's exhibition here some years ago at Durand-Ruel, and also at the Renoir exhibition in Paris.  At the time, I think, it belonged to Bernheim-Jeune.  He also bought a Guardi from the David-Weill and a small Fragonard sanguine drawing which I don't think is very good and which may very well be a fake.  I have every reason to believe that Max Epstein may continue to buy moderns.  This time I talked cold turkey to him and told him that the next time he invited me over to see some new pictures, I wanted them to be mine, and that it was about time he came in and bought a picture from me!!!  I can only tell you that he gushed all over and promised to come in and see me sometime in October and he would definitely come in to see what we had.

ELEANOR HOLDEN LINN - I spent an evening with her to keep up my contact there and it is the first time I have seen her since she was married.  She was as usual most charming.

ALFRED BUSIEL - I called him a couple of times just to keep up the contact but frankly did not rush him the way I had before in view of their attitude.  She is still in Europe and from all I hear will not be home until December.  Perhaps you can meet up with her abroad.


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