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3 East 51st Street 
New York, New York
September 9th, 1937

Dear Germain:

I received this morning your letter of August 29th and am simply amazed about what you wrote me which I absolutely cannot understand at all. My last letter to you from the office here was dictated on July 7th. I wrote you an extensive longhand letter on August 2nd from Warren, Connecticut where I spent a week at Tranquil House, the property of my friend, Guy Pierce, giving you a schedule of my various movements during the month of August.  On August either 15th or 16th, I wrote you a three page letter from the Viking Hotel in Newport, telling you of the Drummond-Wolf party, Frazier Jelky, Aymour Johnson's, Verner Reed's, etc. I wrote you a postal from Narragansett towards the end of August where I stayed with the Knolton's, or was it from the Old Lyme where I stayed with Malcolm Whittacker and the young Elisha Duyer's. I cannot understand at all your not receiving this mail as I posted it myself personally having on previous occasions experienced that in country places things get lost or servants just are negligent about them. Could you perhaps this mail have been forwarded to you from Paris on your various moves on the continent and still be en-route?

In any case I had quite an interesting but terribly hectic time which I shall in detail report to you on your return to New York as it would be too much to explain in a letter, particularly with the various angles that I would like you to see same from.

In Narragansett, however, I want to point out to you I think I have made one very good new contact, which are people by the name of Joseph Verner; terribly rich who belong to the Busch clan. They are supposed to have some very fine pictures and Mr. Verner was talking about his Gainsborough, Romney, etc., etc. They are very friendly with Boutet de Monvel. In fact, Boutet painted last year their two children in St. Louis. I will also talk to you about the Robert Taylor's of Boston, the Percy Frazer's and a number of other people which have all been put down for report to you.

To come back once more to your complaint.--Of course I have terribly spoiled you during the months of May and June when I wrote you those enormous letters and if my flow of literature was a little meagre, you must never think it lack of thought on my part. For your information, I have been away for 32 days, covered over 3000 miles and have slept in 21 different places. If you then consider social play and contacting, figure out yourself how much time is left for sleeping or rest.

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-02-07 10:25:25 ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-02-08 12:21:24 ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-02-08 12:46:58 several missing sentences in paragraph 1, skipped from first August to second August. fixed typos ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-02-16 19:13:55